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Hilleberg Nallo 4 GT

Hilleberg Nallo 4 GT

6 649 zł
6 649 zł

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Opis produktu

The Hilleberg Nallo 4 GT is the largest tent in the Nallo GT series. The 4 GT is a very spacious, very strong yet light tunnel tent. The Nallo 4 GT is the choice for the very weight conscious campers who choose a full-fledged tent for all seasons. The Nallo 4 GT is about space or comfort. Spacious enough to accommodate 4 people, or just very comfortable for 2 people. As with all Hilleberg GT tents, the Nallo 4 GT has an enlarged front canopy, which is very practical to get rid of your material, to cook in, or to let wet stuff dry.

The weight Hilleberg Nallo 4 GT is of course immediately visible for such a spacious tent. Nevertheless, you can use the Nallo 4 GT all year round in all weather conditions. The Nallo 4 GT is suitable for 4 people, but is also a great choice with fewer people who want more space.

The inner tent Hilleberg Nallo 4 GT

The inner tent of the Hilleberg Nallo 4 GT has a high-quality groundsheet with a high raised edge, is breathable and water-repellent and has good ventilation possibilities. Even in bad weather the tent can be ventilated well. The outer fabric is ripstop nylon with a triple silicone coating. The door of the inner tent can be zipped open almost completely and put away in a storage compartment.

Setting up the Hilleberg Nallo 4 GT

The Hilleberg Nallo 4 GT is a tunnel tent where you first set up the outer tent. Then you attach the inner tent to the outer tent. But you can also set up the tent in one go, the so-called one-time pitching. The advantage of a tent of which you already set up the tent is that in bad weather you can first pack the inner tent. That will stay nice and dry. If you leave the inner tent hanging in the outer tent, you can put the tent Nallo 4 GT up the next time even faster.

Like all designs of the Hilleberg tunnel tents, the Nallo 4 GT can be set up with only four pegs.

Options for the Nallo 4 GT

Optionally there is a footprint available that covers the surface of the entire inner tent and the awning. The standard inner tent can also be replaced with an optional mesh inner tent, for warm conditions.

Hilleberg Nallo 4 GT properties

  • Kerlon 1200 outer tent, triple silicone coated
  • The tent is suitable for four seasons
  • The outer tent continues to the ground to keep drafts and cold out, and the inner tent can be fully closed if desired
  • The tunnel construction offers an ideal weight vs space ratio
  • The Hilleberg Nallo 4 GT offers sufficient space for the number of persons and their baggage
  • The inner tent is attached to the outer tent, this allows the tent to be set up at once
  • If desired, the inner tent can also be detached and even used alone (with optional adapters)
  • The tent can be set up with only four pegs
  • Optionally there is a footprint available that covers the surface of the entire inner tent and the awning
  • The footprint can be attached to the outer tent
  • The inner tent can be replaced with an optional mesh inner tent, for warm conditions
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Hilleberg opisuje Nallo 4 GT

Modele Nallo GT znane są ze swojej lekkości. Ale to ich niezwykła wytrzymałość czyni te namioty pierwszym wyborem dla każdego, kto potrzebuje najlżejszych namiotów, które nadal oferują całoroczną, każdą funkcjonalność pogodową. Obejmuje to turystów wszelkiego rodzaju, oczywiście, ale również fotografów dzikiej przyrody, wspinaczy, myśliwych i innych poszukiwaczy przygód, którzy chcą uzyskać więcej z przewożenia mniej. Dwuosobowe partie mogą z łatwością wybrać przestrzeń niemal przestrzenną Nallo 3 GT bez żadnych rzeczywistych kar wagowych, tak jak trójosobowe partie mogą “dopasować" się ”do Nallo 4 GT bez przekraczania ich wagi" budżetu.” Rodziny z młodszymi dziećmi, te, które wędrują ze swoimi psami, i każdy, kto potrzebuje dodatkowej przestrzeni, uważają przedłużony przedsionek modeli Nallo GT za nieodzowny. Ponadto po obu stronach tego przedłużonego przedsionka znajduje się wejście, a całą przednią część można cofnąć do tyłu, aby stworzyć “zadaszone patio” o pełnej szerokości namiotu, które idealnie nadaje się do odpoczynku poza pogodą, a jednocześnie pozostaje na zewnątrz.

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The Nallo GT models are known for their light weight. But it’s their remarkable strength that makes these tents the first choice for anyone needing the lightest weight tents that still offer all-season, all weather functionality. This includes hikers of all types, of course, but also wilderness photographers, climbers, hunters, and other adventurers who want to get more out of carrying less.

Two-person parties can easily choose the near-palatial space of the Nallo 3 GT without any real weight penalty, just as three-person parties can “size up” for the Nallo 4 GT without exceeding their weight “budget.” Families with younger children, those who hike with their dogs, and anyone else needing extra space find the Nallo GT models’ extended vestibule indispensable. In addition, there is an entrance on either side of that extended vestibule, and the entire front section can be rolled back to create a full tent-width “covered patio” that’s ideal for lounging out of the weather while still being outside.

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Product specificaties
Namiot zewnetrznyPatyczki: DAC featherlite nsl 9 mm
Dodatkowy opis 3Dlugosc 400 cm / szerokość 210 cm / wysokosc 120 cm
Gechikt voorPodkladka naziemna: 100% nylon 70 d 90 gr/m² 15.000 mm h2o
PodstawaNamiot wewnetrzny: 100% nylon 30 d ripstop 35 gr/m²
W zestawieTorba transportowa, linie odciągowe i 16 kolki mocujace
Wymiary400 x 210 x 115 cm
DlugoscWymiary: 400 x 210 x 115 cm
Waga3.6 kg / 3.2kg waga minimalna

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